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Cocktail pleasure

Marmoris Gin is the main ingredient for amazing cocktails, telling us the story of a product born from coming in contact with Carrara’s white marble: enjoyable both alone with a magnificent landscape or during a night out with your friends.

There are a thousand different aspects in every cocktail to make the expirience a lot more captivating.



5cl/1.7 oz. of Marmoris Gin
10 cl/3.5 oz. of Tonic
Mint leaves


Fill a high tumbler or a balloon glass with big ice cubes, pour the gin using a jigger. Add tonic and gently stir with a bar spoon, without breaking the tonic’s bubbles. Decorate with a mint leaf and serve without straw.

Il Conte al Forte


5cl /1.7 oz. of Marmoris Gin
5cl/ 1.7 oz. of Bitter Campari
5cl/ 1.7 oz. of red Vermouth
Orange peel


Fill a low tumbler or an old fashioned glass with big ice cubes and drain the water settling in it. Add one third of Marmoris Gin, one third of bitter campari and one third of Red Vermouth. Gently stir the ingredients without making the ice melt and decorate with an orange peel.

Versilia 75


3cl/ 1 oz. of Marmoris Gin
2cl/ 0.7 oz. of lemon juice
1cl/ 0.3 oz. of sugar syrup
7 cl/ 2.5 oz.  of champagne
A lemon twist


Fill a shaker with ice, Marmoris gin, sugar syrup and filtered lemon juice. Shake well, filter it with a strainer into a flute and add champagne. Decorate with a lemon twist.

Marmoris Basil Smash


5cl/ 1.7 oz. of Marmoris Gin
2,5 cl/ 0.9 oz. of lemon juice
1,5 cl/ 0.5 oz. of sugar syrup
6 to 8 basil leaves


Add basil leaves into a shaker and gently crush them. Add ice and then all the other ingredients. Shake weel and filter it with a strainer in a low tumbler full of ice. Decorate with a basil leaf.

Creato da

Julian Biondi, Mad Souls & Spirits (Firenze)